Thursday, July 26, 2012

Growing Children

Once again it's been too long since I last updated our blog! I wish I had more time to update more ofter but Joseph and Aubrey are keeping me busy. Aubrey will be 9 months old tomorrow! Where did the time go? Joseph has completely transformed from a toddler into a real boy :) but still my little boy! The other day he told me that he didn't want to go to his school anymore (pre-school) and that he wanted to go to Kindergarten. Noooooooooooooooo...Mommy is not ready! He still has a couple years before her will start Kindergarten but there are a few of his friends from school starting this upcoming year. He is still very much into baseball and golf. We had him in T-Ball at the Y but he said he didn't want to do it again and wanted to swim instead so I am currently trying to get him into a class. He needs a more structured T-Ball league. He seemed to be more advanced than the other kids with hitting and throwing. So we will wait a little longer until he can join a real league. He has great hand and eye coordination, we'd love to get him in golf lessons as well! Aubrey has skipped crawling all together, which I wish she hadn't. Crawling babies are so cute and it gives mommies and daddies a little more time to prepare for a walker. She isn't walking on her own yet but walks around the couch, to her jumpy, over to her toys and back and FAST!

I've been pretty busy or at least it seems I have been. I'm always on the go, going somewhere or doing something. Work takes up too much time :) I have so much I want to do and need to do and not enough time in the day or weekend to do so. The kids come first so if you ever come over to our house you'll have to excuse the mess and understand that our living room has been over taken by the little munchkins and the kitchen table has been over taken by my sewing projects. I seem to always have a few going at a time. I have an awesome project waiting to be finished for Joseph's school. I really hope they like it! I can't say what it is in case Amanda is reading this ;) Over the weekend I made Aubs a new dress and I was pretty darn pleased with.

I've been making my car seat canopy covers out the ying yang. Tons of really cute Scruffy Rags out there now and a few more to come. 

You can check more out on my facebook page 

Monday, February 13, 2012

30 before 30!

It's exactly 1 month until I turn 26. 26!!!! Now on the other hand Adam's only got a couple months left until he is 30, so this got me thinking. I want to do things, set goals accomplish them before I turn 30. I've only got 4 years and 1 month to do so. Some things on my list seem a little far out of reach but I tried to make them realistic for myself. I know that I will not be going to Antarctica to frolic on an iceberg with penguins or hide in a snow cave with a polar bear...more like lose 5lbs and keep it off realistic but now that I am typing that...I don't know if that is even realistic :) So here they are:

30 things to do before I am 30!
1. Go to Hawaii
2. Buy a brand spankin' new car
3. Get my tubes more babies after 30
4. Go on a hot air balloon ride
5. Take a road trip vacation
6. Write a business plan
7. Start a business
8. Learn a new language
9. Go back to school
10. Eat fried green tomatoes
11. Have a booth at a street fair
12. Volunteer at a food kitchen
13. Host Thanksgiving at my house
14. Flip a house
15. Go on a Disney Cruise
16. Make curtains all on my own
17. Set monthly budgets
18. Have a savings of $20k+
19. Finish a book from front to back
20. Take a photography course
21. Make a will
22. Take a train ride with the kids
23. Spend the day at a spa
24. Write a childrens book (even if it's just for my own kids)
25. Learn to play a musical instrument
26. Take dance lessons
27. Bury my Dads ashes (I know, I know he still isn't in the ground and it's been over 2 years)
28. Create a timeline of my 20's with pictures
29. Dig up my roots (and I don't mean my Dad after I complete #27)
30. Enter my 30th birthday fit and healthy!

BONUS 31!!!! If Garth Brooks is in concert between now and the next 4 years I will go, no matter the cost! Maybe this should be a life time thing but I'm aiming for before 30...

Those seem doable, right??????

New baby and New Year

It has come to my attention that's is been just about FOREVER since I last blogged. With facebook and all other social networks there really isn't a need for me to because everyone already knows what going on in our lives.

Since my last post back in June 2011, we have welcomed Aubrey Marie! She was born October 27, 2011 at 8:30am. She weighed 7lbs 13oz and was 19in. She is bringing much joy to her Mommy, Daddy and Big Brother.

I was off for 13 weeks with Aubrey and Joseph. I just recently returned to work on Jan 30th and it was pretty difficult. Two days in and I was ready to quit and head home to take care of my babies but I toughed it out and am now into my third week. We are currently searching for a bigger place so I need to work if we want that to happen. We have totally outgrown our townhouse and it's time to move to a house with a bigger yard for the kids and a sewing room for me...I mean a play room for the toys and books and all the kids stuff :) I have been doing a lot of sewing so I would LOVE my own little space to keep all my fabrics and supplies. I have created my own little company which is called Scruffy Rags. The origin of the name came from my Dad (Scruffy) who as you all know passed away a couple years ago, and Rags because I want you to love what I make so much that you turn it into keepsake Rags (if that makes does to me), therefor Scruffy Rags! Check out