Monday, December 21, 2009

Viva Vacation!

Christmas time is here! Is it really on Friday? Wow this month flew by. I have taken this whole week off to spend with Adam and Joseph. I really need a break from work too. It really saddens me to think that I am totally working my life away when I should be spending every second with my son, or that's at least how I see it. Joseph is growing so fast and learning so quickly. I want to be around for everything but have to work all day. Life is so busy with constantly being in a hurry to get here or there. I would for sure have no problem with being a stay at home mom :) So anyway, my first day of vacation and I wake up at 3am and can't go back to sleep. I watched Roseanne for awhile then decided to come downstairs and check my email. I took a look at our blog and realized that I hasn't written anything in 2 1/2 months. Shame on me! I'm not sure what our plans are today, taking a nap I'm sure. Friday we went to Sea World (blog and pictures to come once I find my camera). I would like to go to the Zoo this week as well, along with Balboa Park. I would like to see it at night all decorated.

I am pretty much done shopping. I need to make a list to make sure I am not forgetting anyone. In a way I am so ready for the horrible year to be over but I'm not ready to face 2010. A lot of good things did happen in 2009 but so did a lot of terrible things. Adam and I got married, all our friends and family were there, except for my Dad. It was really hard but I pulled through. Joseph has hit so many milestones and is started to sign to us. He can say "more, eat and thank you", we are in the works of "please". In 2010 I would like to be able to get my Dad's belongings situated and it's not going to be easy. Geez this would be so much easier if he lived in the US. I would also like to see everyone be happy! I want Joseph to stop growing and stay my baby forever :) Speaking of while, it's now 7:40am and I can hear him kicking around in this crib. Off I go to get him up and get breakfast ready.

Merry Christmas All and Happy New Year!

Dad's Memorial

November 21, 2009 was when we had our Dad's memorial. It's still very strange to me that I have not talked to him in 4 months. I miss him every day and think about him all the time. It's a little relieving now that the memorial is now over and we can focus on getting everything settled and hopefully it will be painless but I doubt that. It was so nice to have the support of his friends and our family. Tracey, Rob and Stuart came from England. Sheri, Danny and Ashley came from Taft. Kenny came from Santa Maria, along with lots of others that were local. The memorial was held at his favorite Italian restaurant in El Cajon, Marechiaro's. Through the sad clouds we were able to see some smiles. Tracey, Rob and Stuart were here for a week and unfortunately I didn't get to spend much time with the guys. They had a busy schedule of doing everything and anything American. Tracey stayed at my house, and we thoroughly enjoyed having her. We went to the Zoo and Balboa Park. Todor took her to the Wild Animal Park, I couldn't get off for that one :( They all were here for Thanksgiving which was really nice. We celebrated over at Donna's, she was nice enough to let us have it at her house so we didn't have to cram at Moms. It was very sad to see Tracey go and we can not wait for her return!

Joseph's 1st Birthday!

I can't believe that my baby is already a year old! Someone please tell me where the time went. He's now walking and talking, well babbling. His party was so much fun and over the top, of course. The theme was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Joseph loves Mickey Mouse! Grandma Dita make an awesome ginormous cake. He had been sick the week before so he wasn't the out going baby he usually is. I've come to figure out too that he doesn't really like big groups of commotion. Adam wasn't to keen on a jumpy but I'm so glad we decided to get one. It kept all the kids entertained and even the adults. My Mom was in there, so were the uncles and Dads. I had a jump too :) Once most of everyone had left, Adam took Joseph in and he had a blast! Shannon was there taking pictures to capture his special day.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bar Code

I have decided that I'm going to get branded with a bar code :) Call me crazy but see for yourself. It has my Moms birthday, then mine and my Dads. Lets hope that whoever does the tattoo has a very steady had for straight lines......(we'll see if I actually get it, but I think it'd be cool)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

San Diego's future quarter back :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

GO CHARGERS! and pigs in a blanket

Joseph and I watched the first game of the 2009 season together. Adam was at a friends house so Joseph and I kicked back and had a fun photo session too. He also took his first step that night! He was standing against the couch and leaned forward took a step then grabbed onto the coffee table. I was so excited and proud, I kept saying to him "do you know what you just did!" he smiled at me wondering what the heck I was talking about. 9.14.09. He took 2 steps last night and again Adam wasn't home to see it. 9.18.09. He will be walking before we know it and then we are in trouble. As you can see he has 4 teeth now and 2 more coming in.

We have officially moved into finger foods! He has been having Cheerios for awhile now but the other day we decided to let him try pigs in a blanket and he LOVED it. I have never seen someone shovel food in their mouths as quickly as Joseph did.

We done did it!

Adam and I held hands tight and jumped right into the deep end :) We got married! It was a beautiful day and beautiful wedding. My aunts and moms did a outstanding job at decorating! It was more than I had pictured. So simple but yet amazing. I have the most amazing photographers who captured everything. They are the best and I recommend them to everyone so use them! :) You can see more teasers at

We heading to viva Las Vegas the following day where Adam and I had a great time losing our asses and watching "O". We missed out little Gusto so much but it was very nice to spend a few days just the two of us. Before we knew it "the honeymoon was over" and we were on our way back to reality where Joseph was curbside at the airport with grandma Dita. He was very excited to see me but over joyed when he set eyes on Adam. Joseph truly is a Daddy's boy. Better than being a woosey Mama's Boy lol. It's so cute to see the two of them together and are buddies and I know that as Joseph grows their bond is only going to get stronger and I could not ask for more.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I love you Dad

As you all may know the past couple weeks have been extremely hard for me. With the death of my Dad and our wedding following the weekend after, I have been busy and overly emotional. I don't mean to offend anyone when I write this blog but I will never get to see my dad again and I am so upset about it. I don't particularly believe in life after death. I believe it's a way to make people feel better about death, something for people to believe in so life isn't how I see it...just life. However, I do appreciate all the support and prays that you all send. It makes me feel loved and comforted to know that you all are here for me in this tragic time in my life.

My Dad (sad to say) missed a lot of mine and my brothers growing up years. He lived in the UK and we lived here. My parents separated when I was 11 and we all moved from Scotland to San Diego and my Dad stayed behind and continued with his job. We saw each other maybe once a year. There was a period when I didn't see him for 3 years and of course now I am regretting those brat years more than ever. But I can't dwell on the past. I can only move forward.

I'll never forget how nervous I was to tell him I was pregnant. I though he was going to kill through the phone :) I knew the phone was going to ring eventually and when I saw him number pop up I was so worried. He told me that he had read the email over about 3 times to grasp what I was actually saying. I don't really remember the rest of the conversation but I remember made me laugh and still does. He came out (for what I like to think) in August 2008 so he could see his daughter pregnant. He didn't want to miss that and wanted to make sure that his grandson knew who he was, although Joseph was a few months from being done in the oven. He got Joseph a teddy bear. It's the only thing he has from my Dad.

He finally met Joseph in May of 2009. You can read all about it in my archived blogs. He was excited and nervous about it. Scared he would frighten his grandson. His biggest fear was making him cry. Joseph was 6 months old and took right to Grandpa.

He was due out here a week after his tragic accident. I almost called the wedding off. He wanted the wedding just as much as Adam and I. He was proud to finally walk me down the aisle and give his daughter away to this wonderful man and father. But sadly he wasn't able to do so.

My crazy old man rode a street 61! He worked to be able to take trips with his friends. It's what he loved to do. On Sunday August 30, 2009 a car pulled out in front of him and it was too late to stop and he had no place to go. He hit the car and I'm assuming flew off his bike. I don't quite know all the details but he was unable to be saved. Exactly one week from the day the was supposed to walk me down the aisle so you can see my anger and sadness. I was robbed of that joyful time with my Dad and if there is a higher power I don't understand why something like this would happen right before one of the best days of our lives.

Adam and I spent 3 nights in Vegas where I was able to remember great times as a family of 5. Our parents would drop us off at the arcades and Jeff would blow through his money like a tornado and I'm sure try and hit me up for mine, while John had to play referee to keep Jeff and I from killing each other. It was great memories I had while I was there but as soon as I returned home it was back to how it was days before. Anger and sadness. I'm am trying so hard to find some kind of good out of this shitty situation but can't seem to see an possible good becoming of it. I would give all I have to have my Dad back so he could at least see my son grow a little bit longer. All I have is pictures for him to look at but it devastates me to know that Joseph will not remember or know him.
I love you Dad and if you are in a "better place" keep an eye out for us and know that I will always love you.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Peek a Boo!

Another great weekend to add to our book. He're is Jospeh playing peek-a-boo! Enjoy :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Guitar Hero

What a weekend! We had 3 birthday parties to go to on Saturday.
Two 1st Birthdays (Permetti twins and Cameron, Happy Birthday
Boys!) and as usual Joseph held up like a champ. Adam and I finally
decided on tuxes/suits for the wedding. Thank god that is done
and over with. One less thing on my plate.

Joseph has discovered his guitar. I don't remember where it came
from. I think Adam and I picked it up in Cabo or somewhere,
anyway, he LOVES it. His Grandpa Jerry always plays to him as does
Grandma Dita so I think between the two of them Joseph will be a
guitar player. I can only hope, I was only good at the recorder :)
I have a feeling Joseph is going to be much like his Dad in that aspect.
Adam is good at all sports and anything he puts his mind to.
Sorry for the shaky video.

Joseph is now into climbing or I should say trying to climb. He stands
at the coffee table and tries to lift his foot onto the ledge. He can
climb stairs, but I guess only over at Grandma Dita's house. He hasn't
tried at our house. He now has cucumber to add to his list of foods.
I'm very excited for when he can have finger foods.

How could I forget the funniest moment of the weekend. Joseph
decided that while playing naked he needed to poop on Grandma
Julie's carpet :) It was bound to happen since he was naked but
we've only ever had him pee, no poop. We were all dieing laughing.
I wish that I had had my camera to capture the precious moment on video.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cuddle Bear

Have you ever seen a cuter face? I love when Adam sends me pictures while I'm at work. I miss them both during the day so it's nice to be able to see them or at least Joseph :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Taste Testing

Adam and I are starting to get adventurous with foods that we let Joseph try. This past week he has tried organic smiley snacks (I don't know what they are called), honey dew melon, cantaloupe,
lettuce and pancakes :) The smiley snakes, he is not ready for but loved both melons, lettuce and pancakes. He was dropping food in his lap so when he was done with one thing he would go back to another. We can't wait to give him spaghetti, the pictures alone will be great.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Super Standing Stud!

Over the weekend Joseph mastered pulling himself up and standing, of course the first time he did it I was out of the room. When I returned he was standing up holding onto the coffee table. Adam wasn't home so like when he rolled over we both missed the very first time. This video was taken yesterday, needless to say I lowered his bed right away. Next he will be climbing out and running into our room. I'm so not ready for al this. This morning as I was leaving for work I could here him making noise, I thought he was kicking his crib and wall because he likes to do this. So I ran back up stairs to find Joseph VERY pleased with himself cause he was standing in his crib. Luckily I had my camera in my pocket :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Playing with mommy!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I just can't get over how much of a little man Joseph is turning into! Before I know it he will be walking and talking. He already has a tooth and that's enough for me right now. He will be 8 months old on Monday and I would like to know where the time went :) Joseph is over at Grandma Dita's house today and it looks like he was helping her vacuum while playing the drum...maybe. Mommy loves you Joseph!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cute as can be

I just can't resist posting this adorable picture! Joseph has cut his first tooth. When it comes through more and you can see it when he smiles I will post a picture :) I'm having a hard time with my little guy getting bigger. It is absolutely a blessing that he is developing and fast but it's all too soon for me. The time truly has flown. Mommy loves you Joseph! xo

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The best 7 months of my life!

Joseph is 7 months old today! These past 7 months have been by far the best 7 months of my existence. Joseph is truly a blessing and every day that passes I realize more and more how lucky Adam and I are. To make this day even more special...I swear he said mama :) He's such a blabber and is starting to make sounds that actually sound like words. I can't express the love and joy that Joseph brings to me. Just look at that face! :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Yummy Carrots!

Joseph tried carrots for the first time last Thursday (5/14) and let me tell you.... they were NOT a hit! As you can see below he was quite upset with me for making him eat them and retaliated by making sure they got everywhere. Silly mommy forgot the bib. He would turn his head as far away from me as possible so they won't be able to touch his lips LOL. But if at first you don't succeed dust yourself off and try again, and that we did the next night and it was a little better. He didn't cry. By Sunday he was opening his mouth for them! YAY! Tomorrow will be a new

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Exciting mini vacation

My mini vacation started on Wednesday! Adam, Joseph and I headed to the airport to pick up my Dad and his wonderful girlfriend Tracey. This was the first time that he has seen and met Joseph. My Dad was very concerned that Joseph was going to cry but instead he gave his little smile and was ready to be held, which my Dad was also worried about but the first thing Joseph did was touch his mustache. It was instant bonding :) We had a wonderful time with them. This was Tracey's first time to San Diego so the night they flew in we took them to Old Town for some Mexican food. Thursday we hit Parkway Plaza where for the first time my Dad wanted to shop....for clothes. That's unheard of. Then Friday we were off to Yuma to watch John graduate! You go boy with your educated self! Turning around Saturday to drive home. Sunday was snobby Fashion Valley then a nice graduation dinner for John at my place. It was so nice to be able to have the whole family together. Monday was Las Cuatro Milpas and Coronado beach, which leads us to today....and now they are on their way back to the UK. It was just a short visit for John's graduation but a very nice visit. Next time out will be in September for my wedding :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pinnacle Peak

We had such a fun dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Coniglio. Joseph went to Pinnacle Peak for the first time and forgot to take his tie off in the car. I think he might have been the youngest "city slicker" to come through those doors. The restaurant was full so everyone got to see his tie be cut off and ooooo'd and aaaaaaa'd at how cute he looked. He didn't even cry when the lady came with the scissors ringing the bell. Our little guy is getting big so fast it's hard to keep up.

Beep Beep! Play date

Joseph and Cameron had their first real play date and oh my was it fun and cute. We have great pictures to show their first 20 years! :) Cameron's mom Lauren and I went to Jr. High together and were so excited when we found out that we were going to have BOYS 3 months apart. After the boys took their nap they raced around in their cars.