Monday, December 21, 2009

Viva Vacation!

Christmas time is here! Is it really on Friday? Wow this month flew by. I have taken this whole week off to spend with Adam and Joseph. I really need a break from work too. It really saddens me to think that I am totally working my life away when I should be spending every second with my son, or that's at least how I see it. Joseph is growing so fast and learning so quickly. I want to be around for everything but have to work all day. Life is so busy with constantly being in a hurry to get here or there. I would for sure have no problem with being a stay at home mom :) So anyway, my first day of vacation and I wake up at 3am and can't go back to sleep. I watched Roseanne for awhile then decided to come downstairs and check my email. I took a look at our blog and realized that I hasn't written anything in 2 1/2 months. Shame on me! I'm not sure what our plans are today, taking a nap I'm sure. Friday we went to Sea World (blog and pictures to come once I find my camera). I would like to go to the Zoo this week as well, along with Balboa Park. I would like to see it at night all decorated.

I am pretty much done shopping. I need to make a list to make sure I am not forgetting anyone. In a way I am so ready for the horrible year to be over but I'm not ready to face 2010. A lot of good things did happen in 2009 but so did a lot of terrible things. Adam and I got married, all our friends and family were there, except for my Dad. It was really hard but I pulled through. Joseph has hit so many milestones and is started to sign to us. He can say "more, eat and thank you", we are in the works of "please". In 2010 I would like to be able to get my Dad's belongings situated and it's not going to be easy. Geez this would be so much easier if he lived in the US. I would also like to see everyone be happy! I want Joseph to stop growing and stay my baby forever :) Speaking of while, it's now 7:40am and I can hear him kicking around in this crib. Off I go to get him up and get breakfast ready.

Merry Christmas All and Happy New Year!

Dad's Memorial

November 21, 2009 was when we had our Dad's memorial. It's still very strange to me that I have not talked to him in 4 months. I miss him every day and think about him all the time. It's a little relieving now that the memorial is now over and we can focus on getting everything settled and hopefully it will be painless but I doubt that. It was so nice to have the support of his friends and our family. Tracey, Rob and Stuart came from England. Sheri, Danny and Ashley came from Taft. Kenny came from Santa Maria, along with lots of others that were local. The memorial was held at his favorite Italian restaurant in El Cajon, Marechiaro's. Through the sad clouds we were able to see some smiles. Tracey, Rob and Stuart were here for a week and unfortunately I didn't get to spend much time with the guys. They had a busy schedule of doing everything and anything American. Tracey stayed at my house, and we thoroughly enjoyed having her. We went to the Zoo and Balboa Park. Todor took her to the Wild Animal Park, I couldn't get off for that one :( They all were here for Thanksgiving which was really nice. We celebrated over at Donna's, she was nice enough to let us have it at her house so we didn't have to cram at Moms. It was very sad to see Tracey go and we can not wait for her return!

Joseph's 1st Birthday!

I can't believe that my baby is already a year old! Someone please tell me where the time went. He's now walking and talking, well babbling. His party was so much fun and over the top, of course. The theme was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Joseph loves Mickey Mouse! Grandma Dita make an awesome ginormous cake. He had been sick the week before so he wasn't the out going baby he usually is. I've come to figure out too that he doesn't really like big groups of commotion. Adam wasn't to keen on a jumpy but I'm so glad we decided to get one. It kept all the kids entertained and even the adults. My Mom was in there, so were the uncles and Dads. I had a jump too :) Once most of everyone had left, Adam took Joseph in and he had a blast! Shannon was there taking pictures to capture his special day.