Monday, February 13, 2012

30 before 30!

It's exactly 1 month until I turn 26. 26!!!! Now on the other hand Adam's only got a couple months left until he is 30, so this got me thinking. I want to do things, set goals accomplish them before I turn 30. I've only got 4 years and 1 month to do so. Some things on my list seem a little far out of reach but I tried to make them realistic for myself. I know that I will not be going to Antarctica to frolic on an iceberg with penguins or hide in a snow cave with a polar bear...more like lose 5lbs and keep it off realistic but now that I am typing that...I don't know if that is even realistic :) So here they are:

30 things to do before I am 30!
1. Go to Hawaii
2. Buy a brand spankin' new car
3. Get my tubes more babies after 30
4. Go on a hot air balloon ride
5. Take a road trip vacation
6. Write a business plan
7. Start a business
8. Learn a new language
9. Go back to school
10. Eat fried green tomatoes
11. Have a booth at a street fair
12. Volunteer at a food kitchen
13. Host Thanksgiving at my house
14. Flip a house
15. Go on a Disney Cruise
16. Make curtains all on my own
17. Set monthly budgets
18. Have a savings of $20k+
19. Finish a book from front to back
20. Take a photography course
21. Make a will
22. Take a train ride with the kids
23. Spend the day at a spa
24. Write a childrens book (even if it's just for my own kids)
25. Learn to play a musical instrument
26. Take dance lessons
27. Bury my Dads ashes (I know, I know he still isn't in the ground and it's been over 2 years)
28. Create a timeline of my 20's with pictures
29. Dig up my roots (and I don't mean my Dad after I complete #27)
30. Enter my 30th birthday fit and healthy!

BONUS 31!!!! If Garth Brooks is in concert between now and the next 4 years I will go, no matter the cost! Maybe this should be a life time thing but I'm aiming for before 30...

Those seem doable, right??????

1 comment:

  1. I want to do some of those things WITH you...especially number 1., 11., 12., i'll attend 13., 20., 22., 23.!!! Great idea my love. I have a list like this posted on my wall....but i only have a year and a half left :) xoxo
